Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Persuassive Speech Example free essay sample

Think to yourself while I purpose a scenario, you come home from work one day to find your wife, children, and even the dog dead. Caution tape surrounding your house, police officers everywhere, corner vans, but no one telling you what the heck is going on. The man who had shot your family is sitting hand cuffed in the back of a police car, would you want justice to be served? II. All but 17 of the 50 states practice the death penalty as of today. According to Wise Geeks, the death penalty is â€Å"the act of putting a person to death, after judgment by a legal system, either as an act of retribution, or to ensure they cannot commit future crimes. † (Web). There are many pros and cons that face the death penalty in the eyes of human’s. I would like persuade you why we should use the death penalty as a form of punishment. Please listen with an open mind as I provide information about the death penalty to you. First I would like to inform you of the cost of the death penalty vs. how much it cost to houses an inmate. Secondly, that it in fact is not inhumane. Lastly, the series of events leading to the execution of the inmate. I choose to speak about the death penalty because I am a strong believer in it. My research included interviews, online sources, and documentaries about the death penalty. Transition: Let me get started by talking about the cost of both the death penalty and housing inmates. Body I. As housing can be very expensive, I spoke with a retired police officer from L. A. P. D is actually my grandfather, he explained to me that housing an inmate on death row in today’s economy cost roughly $60,000 a year equating to a little over $1 billion during their sentence. The inmate must be provided shelter, food, health care, and security. My grandpa also explained to me that many inmates sit on death row for long periods of time they actually die before execution occurs. Many inmates will kill themselves, be killed by other inmate, or have medical problems that cause them to die naturally. However, according to methods of execution it only cost $86. 08 to administer the lethal injection. The justice system could save on average $59,914 per inmate per year by administering the injection. Transition: This leads me to my second point, is the lethal injection inhumane? II. Many of us see that two wrongs don’t make a right, but take you back to scenario I proposed in the beginning of my speech. After my interview with Anonymous, he believes the death penalty is not inhumane because they do not feel the injection and even if they were able to feel it, the person they killed could feel the dismantling pain of dying too. I also interviewed my uncle from LA County. He too believes it is humane to administer the lethal injection. He stated that it is a two drug mixture; the first is a sedative and secondly a massive amount of potassium which will put a person in full cardiac arrest. He mentioned to me that if in fact California administered the lethal injection more often we would not only save money, but more people would be scared to commit a crime because they would see there would actually be a consequence. He believes a lot of people commit these crimes because they get away with it, they get an isolated cell with privacy and the inmate knows it’s highly unlikely that they will ever face the lethal injection. However, I spoke with Layla Guest who is against the death penalty because she believes they have a loving family too. She said to me â€Å"they may have had a bad experience but that doesn’t make them a bad person forever. † Transition: That brings me to my last point; I would like to inform you of the series of events in which the inmate is executed. III. I believe this is important to share with you because it backs up my point about being humane. Even though this inmate has committed a serious crime, they too get to have a good last day. According to a documentary I watched, filmed and edited by Scott Langley on the day of the execution the inmate is allowed in and out of the cell, and the right to watch TV. The inmate is allowed visitors for a certain amount of hours, and also allowed last request phone calls from family. The execution team will then come and pick the inmate up around 1:00 am where he/she is asked to remove all their clothes expect exposing portion and then taken into the prep room. In the prep room the inmate is placed on IV’s and heart monitors. The executor comes in and records any last statement. After he leaves the Chaplin comes into the room where they stay until it is time to be taken into the â€Å"chamber. † The chamber is a room with viewing windows for the witnesses. The inmate and the witness never see the executors because they stay behind the curtain. There are three executors during the process. Also, the viewing team never knows which personal came in with the drugs nor who will administer it for privacy purposes. Around 2:00 am the inmate is given a sedative to completely knock them unconscious followed by the lethal drug. Between 2:15-2:20 am the inmate is pronounced dead and taken by a confidential van to the hospital to be issued a death certificated as a homicide. Conclusion Transition: Again, I will ask you to listen with an open mind as I conclude my speech is persuading you to believe in the death penalty as a form of punishment. I. Here are a few things to remember when you think about the death penalty. The cost of housing an inmate versus the cost of execution.

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