Wednesday, May 20, 2020

John Milton s Poetry And Sonnets - 1083 Words

John Milton was a great poet during the English Civil War. He was not really discovered until Charles II was in charge and called to restore and rule in France. Milton lost his eyesight in 1651. He had been married a few times, his first wife passed away in 1652, and his second wife passed away in 1658 shortly after child birth. Most people believe his poem, â€Å"Methought I Saw My Late Espoused Saint† was for his beloved second wife, due to the fact that he was blind and never saw her face and her passing after childbirth. Milton’s poetry/sonnets are different from any other. He involves Politics and Religion. In his sonnets he will start them off one way, and then with the last two lines throw a twist on it. This is one reason Milton is famous. As stated above, Milton does interesting stuff with his work. Each sonnet has fourteen lines, just like a Shakespearean sonnet, but the rhyme scheme is different. Milton uses what is called a Petrarchan (or â€Å"Italian†) sonnet. It is composed of eight lines (octave) followed by another six lines (sestet). The octave part of his sonnet has a rhyme scheme of ABBAABBA, and the last six are CDCDCD. The thing with Milton though is he throws in a turning point in his sonnet, also known as a â€Å"volta.† The turning point for his sonnets is at lines thirteen and fourteen. These sonnets are written in iambic pentameter, alternating every other syllable. Milton also throws in a curve ball on the meter, causing a shift in theShow MoreRelatedCritical Analysis of Jonh Miltons Sonnet 8 1310 Words   |  6 PagesMilton returned to England about 1641 when the political and religious affairs were very disturbing to many. He started to apply his work in practice for that one great work like Paradise Lost when penning the Sonnets. Not every sonnet is identical but they can be difficult in interpretation, styles, word use, and so forth. 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